Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 18

 My little one oh how I love you already! :)
 Little bit bigger than last week.
 Kevin got jealous and wanted his belly to be pictured!
 Hmm? Which one are you? are more photos! Only 2 weeks left until I am half way done. :) Let's see what has been different this week? has begun so I guess my biggest complaint is that my feet hurt! I stand a majority of the day as I stand while teaching. Hopefully that will help strengthen  my muscles. God has been good in providing the energy I need so far. I think my body was trying to fight something the other night though, because I got home around 3pm and my husband woke me up around 7pm. He had already made dinner for us! I am so blessed. Then I studied for a little while after dinner and was asleep by 9. So I am guessing my body was trying to get rid of a sickness before I got it. I am doing better today so here's hoping! The biggest change my body has gone through would be my gums! I didn't think that they would be sore, but lately they have bothered me slightly....which is kind of weird. I can't say that I have felt any kicking yet...I don't really know what it would feel like, so I suppose it is possible. I know from previous ultrasounds that we have an active little one! I am sure it will come soon and soon enough I will be poking my belly telling it to stop that! . We get to find out what we are having in just one week...well provided it shows us the goods!  Hope you are having a great week. :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Well Here It Goes!! :)

The Beginning
My first attempt at blogging. Ha! This is going to be funny. It is so weird to think that I can write whatever I want and thousands, o.k. maybe 50 fifty different people will read what you have to say. I am starting this blog, because I believe that it is not only helpful to sometimes write your thoughts out, but this way other people can leave their comments as well. Hopefully, what I have to say will not only be entertaining for those following, but maybe even helpful! Plus, when you tend to forget things often, you do not have to tell someone, oh hey did I tell you is on the blog for them to read! 

Just how is this whole pregnancy thing going? Well, I have to say that overall it hasn't been to bad! I would have started this earlier, but I wanted to make sure everything was going to be o.k. before I started this whole ordeal. So let's give a review and then I will pick you up to how things are going now!
How it all began
Well I found out in October that I was expecting and I waited just as long as I possibly could to tell my parents. Then we told his parents. Then we told my brother and his wife and then his brother and his wife... Then slowly different people started finding out. We didn't tell friends until after Christmas when we surprised my extended family up in New England (that was wicked fun!!) Now most people know, although there are still a few finding out. 

My first appointment went well and the doctor told me that everything looked good. I have to admit I really didn't start to get excited until after the 3rd appointment. I think my heart was excited, my mind just needed more assurance. Needless to say when I got to hear the baby's heartbeat and see it kicking and moving up a storm, that is when it started to become more real and exciting!

The picture currently on the page is the most recent ultrasound. It is so cool how you can see the little head, nose, eyes, spine, etc. just absolutely amazing! 

How have I felt? 
Well in the first trimester there was a little nausea but nothing crazy! I found that if I kept something in my stomach and had enough to drink I was o.k. I was definitely tired! My husband would joke if I was on the couch and still awake at 8:00pm. 

On of the biggest shocks to me was the acne. What! I have always had pretty amazing skin and this this child decides it wants me to break out all the time! I thought when you were pregnant you were supposed to have a glow?? Hmmm maybe they were referring to the shine you have on your face from all of the oil!

How about now?
I am currently in week 17 and I am feeling good except for the heartburn that plagues me in the evenings. I am starting to get more and more of a belly each week. At first I was bummed that I didn't "look" pregnant but more and more, I realize that moment will come and I will wish I didn't look that way anymore! I will do my best to keep up with different thoughts and feelings I have each week, but I make no guarantee. I am sure those who follow will be sure to leave their comments on the matter! In the meantime, I hope that you feel caught up... if you have any questions or comments leave them, I will do my best to answer! Enjoy your day!